The Sudeten German demand from the Czech government Memorandum for the Foreign Minister - Suggestion for Sudeten German demand to be made to the Czech government Source: Documents on German Foreign Policy , series D, vol. II, p.197. SECRET MEMORANDUM The Sudeten German Party might, inter alia, present the following demands to the Czechoslovak Government: 1) Cessation of the building of schools with Czech propaganda bias [Tschechisierungsschulen] and discontinuance of all other Czechization efforts in Sudeten German territory; 2) Creation of the possibility for the free profession of National Socialist ideology; 3) Development of autonomy in the Sudeten German settlement area in such a manner that only German State and autonomous officials are employed there; 4) Transfer of German officials and civil-service recruits to the Sudeten German settlement area; 5) Holding of State and communal elections; 6) Abolition of State police in the frontier area. The foregoing points represent only partial claims for the basic demand for "home rule" in the Sudeten German area. This claim should be kept elastic and defined step by step in the course of discussions with the Czechoslovak Government. The consent of the Sudeten German Party to enter the Czechoslovak Government should be made dependent on the fulfilment of this general claim. BERLIN, March 28, 1938